Ranked as the prime tourist destination in the world, visitors to France are drawn by its numerous wonderful cultural heritage sights centred around such popular destinations as the capital, Paris, and the chateaux of the Loire Valley its variety of landscapes from the beauty of the west coast beaches to the Alpine slopes of eastern France its renowned chic and haughty elegance, and its formidable reputation as a mecca for some of the world's most refined palettes. Here, there is much to attract tourists looking for peaceful rural charm as well as high art and sophistication. There really is something for everyone. And even the English, with their notorious ignorance of foreign languages, can usually manage a spattering of French.
In northern France, you will find some of the world's most important cathedrals and basilicas, such as Notre-Dame de Chartres and Notre-Dame d'Amiens. France was the cradle of the development of Gothic architecture, and its legacy are these astonishing, spirit-lifting testimonies to the s and workmanship and sheer bravado of the thousands of craftsmen who carved the stones that so delicately seem to soar upwards to vaulted ceilings. The fortified castles and cities for which France is famous were built during the Middle Ages, and survive at Chinon and Chateau d'Angers, while Cluniac Abbey is a fine example of the Romanesque. The style for which it is best loved came into its own during the French Renaissance: residential castles were built at the Chateaux de Chambord, Chenonceaux and d'Amboise in the Loire Valley. Meanwhile, the baroque marvel of the Palace of Versailles outside Paris has to be seen to be believed. Notable interventions in the 18 th century were the rebuilding of Paris by Baron Haussmann, the Eiffel Tower came along in the 19 th century, while the Swiss architect Le Corbusier built some of his most influential works in France such as the Unité d'Habitacion in Marseilles and the remarkable chapel at Ronchamps. Who can visit Paris without enjoying the spectacle of the Centre Pompidou by Richard Rogers and Renzo Piano quirkily resplendent in its very centre?